
June 5, 2011 at 14:20

Festival location: Alte Bötzow-Brauerei

Prenzlauer Allee 242, Berlin, Germany

Download PDF of complete Fetival program here


2010 CATCH DU JOUR (experimental short film) at OFF LOOP BARCELONA

“Programa de vídeos que utilizan el found footage, así como cierta noción de fragilidad en la imagen, para narrar particulares historias personales. Ortega construye una narración sin costuras a partir de material de archivo sacado de Internet. Ramos-Velasquez utiliza escenas del cine donde aparece a menudo Donald Sutherland. Husk condensa en pequeños vídeos sus diarios personales.” OFF-LOOP


2011 CATCH DU JOUR (experimental short film) at FestArte VideoArt Festival:

8 - 9 APRIL 2011 - FORUM DI ANCONA 'Culture as resource and value'

Foyer Teatro delle Muse di Ancona (Marche)

21 - 23 OTTOBRE 2010 - RAVELLO LAB

15 – 18 SETTEMBRE 2010 – MACRO Testaccio, La Pelanda,

Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma – piazza Orazio Giustiniani, 4

May 12 - 22, 2010 at

Centre Cívic del Guinardó
Barcelona, Spain

III Concorso Internazionale

privata | pubblica | sociale

Quattro giorni dedicati alla videoarte internazionale con spazi di discussione e ricerca, performance e musica.
In mostra le opere finaliste in 3 categorie: in Concorso (che concorrono al Premio della Giuria, al premio della Critica e del Pubblico), Selezionate/Fuori Concorso e Menzioni Speciali (che concorrono ai premi della Critica e del Pubblico).

Inoltre, 2 salottini - Spazio Monitor - presenteranno un elenco multimediale, consultabile per nazionalità e ordine alfabetico, dei video in mostra e di oltre 150 pervenuti al Concorso.

Hanno partecipato al concorso di video arte dal tema “VIOLENZA INVISIBILE – privata, pubblica, sociale” artisti provenienti da 60 paesi del mondo. Numeri significativi per un tema complesso ed importante: una conferma della diffusione e utilizzo della videoarte oggi.


February 2, 2011 at Transmediale.11.

Digital Anthropophagy and the Anthropophagic Re-Manifesto for the Digital Age is the winner of the Vilém Flusser Theory Award Distinction of Transmediale 2011. The performance was presented at Haus der Kulturen der Welt and webcast. The webcast recording of the performance can be found in the video archive of Transmediale: http://vimeo.com/20097816  Version with English subtitles can be viewed at http://vimeo.com/20886138 (Pt.1) and http://vimeo.com/21013493  (Pt.2)

ISEA2011/Istanbul, Turkey. The 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art.

Presentation in Conference Paper Session:  ART AND ACTIVISM IN DIGITAL AGE I

Thursday, September 15, 2011 - 14:45 - 16:45. Sabanci Center, Levent.


The participation at ISEA2011 is sponsored

in part by a travel grant from Step Beyond:

Skype A/V Performance from Berlin at ABCiber Symposium and digital culture exhibit in Florianópolis, Brasil. 11.2011.

Presented twice: PT and EN languages.

Performed at Agora Art Space Berlin.

Antropofagia Digital e o Re-Manifesto Antropofágico para a Era Digital Thursday, October 20, 2011, 16:30

Instituto de Filosofia, Artes e Cultura

Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil


Perpendicular is a project of artistic interventions and actions, created and organized by artist Wagner Rossi Campos. The actions are part of an expanded art practice, encompassing artists, participants, architectural space, time and reflection. This event is being held for the first time in Europe, with Berlin as the chosen city. The event will launch the book PERPENDICULAR: scenery # environment, by Campos. The book is bilingual (Portuguese / English) and refers to the same event name in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais (Brazil) during the year 2010. In Brazil, the book was released at MAP - Museu de Arte da Pampulha, MG and at the Republic Museum / Rio de Janeiro.

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011, 18:00 - 22:00

Madame Satã Bar. Bergstraße 25, Berlin Mitte.

Artists and Performances:

Anajás Amarante: Finding Identity

Johannes Blomqvist + Wagner Rossi Campos: I will devour you at dinner

Pedro Costa: anti-action: Knickknacks (Bibelô)

Roga: Distortion

Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez: Anthropophagic Re-Manifesto for the Digital Age

(Portuguese and English versions)

Performances documented on exhibit catalogue/art book Perpendicular Casa e Rua.

Supported by Brazil Ministry of Culture. Imprint: ICC. Pub. date: 31.3.2012. ISBN: 978-85-61659-23-3

16.6.2023 With the Best of Intentions. Artist Talk at ZNE! Exhibit. https://zur-nachahmung-empfohlen.de/artist-talk-with-the-best-of-intentions/

11.5–16.7/2023 The Coming Catastrophe and Its Possible Decelerators // The Future Is Ancestral. Multisensorial installation.

            Funded by the Kreativfonds, Bauhaus University Weimar. Exhibit ZNE! Zur Nachahmung Empfohlen: Expeditionen Erkundungen in Ãsthetik und    

            Nachhaltigkeit (Recommended for Imitation: Expeditions Explorations in Aesthetics and Sustainability); curated by Adrienne Goehler. Uferhallen,

            Berlin Wedding. https://zur-nachahmung-empfohlen.de/project/vanessa-ramos-velasquez/


7/2022 DISRUPTED FLOWS Media installation. Eigenheim Galerie Weimar.

4/2019 SÍSIFO/SISYPHUS Videoart installation in collaboration with Brazilian artist Néle Azevedo. Instituto Martius-Staden, São Paulo

10/2018 WEB OF RELATIONS Outdoor participatory installation. Feverish World Conference. University of Vermont, USA

5/2016 Digital Anthropophagy and the Anthropophagic Re-Manifesto for the Digital Age Kultursymposium Weimar The Sharing Game. Exchange    

            in Culture and Society, invited by Goethe Institut.

4/2016 SÍSIFO/SISYPHUS Videoart installation in collaboration with Brazilian artist Néle Azevedo. Espaço Vitrine, São Paulo

24-26.9.2015 A•LIVE - Invited artist with guest sound artist Derek Holzer @ „The Paseo“ Outdoor Multimedia Art Festival + Workshop in Videomicrography.     

            Taos, New Mexixo. USA. http://www.paseotaos.org

30.4–4.6.2015 BODENLOS_H0M0 LUDENS interactive installation, accompanied by the research project “Antropofagie, Mobilität, Natur/Kultur“ at

            exhibit „Devour: Social Cannibalism, Political Redefinition and Architecture“ @ KunstKraftWerk Lepzig.


3/2014 360 Degrees A narrative piece at the intersection of art, science and technology. 360Degrees reaches into dendrochronology and tree rings as measuring

            instrument and device to create socio-cultural narratives, while concurrently activating the sonification of the data from the tree ring measurements.

            Keynote and research presentation via Skype from Bioma Mata Atlântica – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 28.3.2014 to the STEM program at Georgia Institute

            of Technology. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

2/2013 CODED NARRATIVES  An interactive transmedia live performance with guest musician A Guy Called Gerald. Premiered at transmediale/CTM 2013.

            February 1, 2013. 21:30-23:00, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Main Auditorium. Berlin, Germany

            A•LIVE Prints @ kunstraumt27. December 1, 2012 - January 13, 2013. Berlin, Germany http://www.kunstraumt27.de/

9/2012 A•LIVE Audivisual performance. An excursion into the alchemy of materials with videomicrography. Music composition by Derek Holzer. The precursor to    

            A•LIVE as audiovisual performance premiered on September 28, 2012 at Lichtblick Kino, Berlin.


            Antropofagia Digital e o Re-Manifesto Antropofágico para a Era Digital. International Congress Vom Begriff zum Bild: Medienkultur nach Vilém    

            Flusser. December 20112. UFRN. RGN, Brazil http://www.gfmedienwissenschaft.de/gfm/start/index.php?TID=1230

            Anthropophagic Re-Manifesto for the Digital Age. Kunst Apotheke Salon Session 15: YES and NO and IT DOESN’T MATTER –  Syncretism and Digital

            Art Making Today. September 7, 2012.  O.T. Projectraum. Berlin, Germany. http://www.sidebysidestudio.net/spip.php?article104

            Digital Anthropophagy and the Anthropophagic Re-Manifesto for the Digital Age at

            BERGEN ACADEMY OF ART & DESIGN, Norway. 3.2012 (in English language)

            NUVEM HACKLAB TECNOMAGIA RESIDENCY Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 5.2012 (in Portuguese language)

2011 MOSCOW BIENNALE 2011 curated by Peter Weibel. MEDIA ART LAB: Pro & Contra Symposium: Global Media (in English language with simultaneous

            Russian translation)

Ph.D. PROJECTPhD_PROJECT.htmlPhD_PROJECT.htmlshapeimage_16_link_0

A presentation/performance of an art manifesto and paper about cultural cannibalism in the age of digital culture.

Paper was published at ISEA2010/RUHR, International Symposium on Electronic Art.

Presentation was part of conference on Electronic Art: Cyborgs and Transhumans.

August 24, 2010. Dortmund, Germany

